In recent weeks, our family has tried to be mindful of the lessons coronavirus has to teach. One striking lesson is the vulnerability of our national food system, laid bare by the sudden closure of multiple meat packing plants like Smithfield Foods. 

While it’s true that large scale factory farming has achieved remarkable efficiency, too often it has been at the expense of worker, animal and environmental welfare. And events like coronavirus call into question Big Ag’s reliability in feeding the world.

Ironically, an inability to feed the world is a claim commonly leveled by Big Ag against organic agriculture. At Berrybrook Organics, we see it differently. We see the resilience of small, regenerative farms like ours as critical to regional and global food security, which is why we’re excited to introduce our newest venture, a protein CSA we’ve dubbed So Locol.

So Locol is named by--and for--Solomon Ortman, Liam Ortman, and Christian Ortman. What differentiates So Locol proteins? Simply put, scale. So Locol offers an alternative to mass-produced meat:

  • Animals raised naturally and treated humanely;

  • Diverse products including beef, pork, chicken, eggs and dry beans--each requiring their own skill and sensibility to raise;

  • Fair pricing for both consumer and producer;  

  • All at a scale that can be managed by one family. 

Never have we been more grateful to be self-employed in human food production. And never have the lessons and values we’ve hoped to instill in our own children seemed so relevant or so urgent. If you value knowing where--and who--your food comes from, sign up today for a share of So Locol protein or contact us to learn more.